Kim James

Certified Birth Doula

Certified Childbirth Educator

Great Birth Plans

These birth plans show thoughtful presentation and effective communication style.  Any labor and delivery nurse could easily read these birth plans and modify her support to each couples' specific needs for enviornment, information and support.  Notice how these birth plans focus on just 3-4 important "hot button" issues.  The language used is collaborative and genuine.  You'll also get a good sense of each familiy's personality when you read these birth plans.


LF's birth plan is simple, sweet and to the point.  No messing around with this family.


ZO's birth plan  was prepared by a family who was expecting a premature baby with possible medical problems.  This mother was also high risk with advancing pregnancy-induced hypertension.


SJ's birth plan  is clear about her priorities and uses positive language that helps her L&D nurse know how to best help her.


AF's birth plan describes how she anticipates coping with labor pain and when she expects to ask for an epidural.


DM's birth plan is well-written and describes both mother and father's intentions behind their desires.



Write a Better Birth Plan

This compelling article was written by Lela Davidson.  What a birth plan can and cannot do for you.

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