Kim James

Certified Birth Doula

Certified Childbirth Educator

DONA International Virtual Conference 2013

Handouts for Masting the Doula's Advocacy Role

There are two handouts for this presentation.  Download them below:


Presentation Outline and Slide Notes

Groopman Spectrums Worksheet


Survey results from Doula Medical Mindset quiz:

(To learn more about Jerome Groopman and his research on consumers' medical decision-making and medical mindsets, go here: Groopman Spectrums )


Naturalist vs Technologist Spectrum - (56% of doulas skewed towards the naturalist end of the spectrum)

Naturalist Definitely! 12%
Naturalist Most of the time 30%
Naturalist Occasionally 13%
Neutral 11%
Technologist Occasionally 29%
Technologist Most of the time 4%
Technologist Definitely 0%


Minimalist vs Maximalist Spectrum - (60% of doulas skewed towards the minimalist end of the spectrum)

Minimalist Definitley 14%
Minimalist Most of the time 32%
Minimalist Occasionally 12%
Neutral 13%
Maximalist Occasionally 19%
Maximalist Most of the time 4%
Maximalist Definitely 3%


Doubter vs Believer Spectrum - (58% of doulas skewed towards the doubter end of the spectrum)

Doubter Definitely 12%
Doubter Most of the time 15%
Doubter Occasionally 31%
Neutral 15%
Believer Occasionally 12%
Believer Most of the time 12%
Believer Definitely 3%



Background on respondents to the survey:

270 respondents


36% trained

64% trained and certified


Age ranges:

20s = 17%

30s = 47%

40s = 17%

50s = 14%

60s = 4%


Average years in practice:

< 5years:  50%

5-10 years:  32%

>10 years:  19%

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