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Developed by Seattle Doula Kim James, CD, ICCE, LCCE

Choosing Epidural Anesthesia


I prepared this information for women who are choosing epidural anesthesia to enhance their satisfaction with childbirth. It's my belief that women need to plan their epidurals as carefully as they would plan their unmedicated births. Further, it's my belief that we can maximize the benefits and minimize some of the risks and side effects of epidurals by planning timing, positioning, and coping techniques once the epidural is in place. Whatever your reasons for choosing epidural anesthesia, this packet will provide you with the information you need to make your epidural experience one of the best possible.


In Seattle, the rates of epidural usage at local hospitals range from 40% to 85%. Here are some of the reasons women choose epidural anesthesia:


Advantages and Benefits


I hope you'll find this information helpful in planning your birth.

 Good luck and joyful birthing!



What You'll Find 



Maximizing the Benefits and Reducing the Side Effects of Epidural Anesthesia


Other Things to Consider When Choosing an Epidural



Epidural Anesthesia Risk Chart

Learn about maternal risks, labor and newborn side effects of epidural anesthesia and what you can do about them.



How an Epidural Block is Given



Sample Consent Form



Research and References

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Developed by Seattle Doula Kim James, CD, ICCE, LCCE