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Developed by Seattle Doula Kim James, CD, ICCE, LCCE


There are obstetrical situations in which an epidural promotes a healthier labor and thus indirectly helps the baby.  But there are instances when an ill-timed epidural interferes with the normal progress of labor and therefore may negatively affect the baby.  Before you take a leap of faith and sign the consent forms, obtain information from reliable sources about the safety of any drug or procedure for you and your baby, and learn exactly what it will do for you. 


Please follow the links to find out what causes the risk or side effect, how often it happens, and what you can do about it.

Maternal Risks


Labor Side Effects


Baby Side Effects



Maternal Risks

Labor Side Effects

Baby Side Effects



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Your Perfect Doula is Available Now!

Enter you zip code and due date.
Review certifications, training and experience.
Find doulas serving your special needs.

Developed by Seattle Doula Kim James, CD, ICCE, LCCE