The comprehensive series includes all of the information you need about pregnancy, labor, birth, breastfeeding, and newborn care. The class time allows for lecture, videos, group discussion, and plenty of time for practicing skills for coping with labor pain. The series also allows you to meet other expectant parents so you can socialize, support each other, and find future playmates for your baby. The series includes the following information:
Preparing for Labor & Birth:
- Help for common discomforts of pregnancy
- Stages of Labor: What to Expect
- How you will know labor is starting
- How you will know when to go to birthplace (or call midwife to attend you at home)
- What labor and birth will be like
- Pain-Coping practices for labor. You'll learn and practice: Breathing Techniques, Relaxation Skills, Positions and Movement, Massage, Emotional Support, etc. All of our series include pain coping techniques from all the major “methods” – Bradley method, Birthing from Within, Hypnobirthing, and Lamaze.
- Pain Medication Options
- Typical Hospital Routines and Procedures
- Variations and Possible Interventions, including Cesarean
Preparing for Breastfeeding:
- Why breastfeed: The Benefits
- How to breastfeed: Positioning and Latch
- How often to feed, how to know baby is getting plenty
- Predicting, preventing, and coping with common challenges
- Pumping, storing, and bottle-feeding
- How partners can support breastfeeding moms
Preparing to Care for your Newborn:
- What newborn babies are like: Appearance, Senses, Capabilities, Temperament
- What babies need, and how they communicate it: Infant Cues; Crying and calming
- Daily care
- Sleeping and sleep safety
- Bathing and diapering
- Feeding
- Health
Postpartum Reunion Class: Approximately one to two months after all the babies are born, the students from the class and their babies gather together to share birth stories and parenting experiences, ask their instructor any questions that have arisen since the birth, and re-connect to other new parents.
REGISTER for a Great Starts Series
All classes are located at the Parent Trust for Washington Children's Center for Strong Families classrooms.